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Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Hail yesterday! Hail!!

There is one school of thought which advocates that since yesterday is dead and gone do not rue over it.Similarly tomorrow is in nature's bowel and we do not know what will happen tomorrow. So do not give a thought to it.Only today, that is the present, that matters.I have some serious  reservations about the first statement.  What does it mean?  Since yesterday is dead and gone, throw it out of your window.What a blasphemous thought! Can we forget that today has blazed forth from yesterday's blast. Can we forget that all our booty came from yesterday.If this Philosophy  is accorded any undeserved status, those compulsive criminals and hoodlums who lack in circumspection and introspection and who consequently indulge in malpractices will sleep peacefully without any sense of guilt or compunction.What will happen to the society especially the law abiding citizenry.If this not curbed,law  abiding citizens will start hobnobbing with criminals and upstarts and become victims of hocus-pocus tendencies.This hypo-allergenic is fraught with grave consequences.Now turning to practical life situations what do we see. Let us take a building under construction.You have to build upon what has been built yesterday.In this case the theory mentioned above flies out of the window.
             Several cultures and civilisations in the past have collapsed, crumbled and bitten the dust because lessons of history were not heeded to. Similarly several mighty empires also disappeared  into the dark cavern of antiquity. It has been well said that history repeats itself . Take the case of individuals. How many of us are benefited  by past experiences.Or rather how many of us bother to conduct a post mortem of yesterday's events. How many of  us have  learnt any thing from the lessons of history. How many of us  will acknowledge  yesterday's  follies and foibles.How many of us will have the courage to prick our elephantine ego and own up our  past errors of  omissions and commissions, blunders and blusters and turn a new leaf. With a myopic outlook we brush aside the past
and  forge into the present committing all the mistakes and blunders  all over again. We are so afraid of our past conduct that we wish to shut them out like the cat who shuts her eyes in the fond hope that nobody will see her. Proper understanding of all that has been done and undone yesterday will restore our perspective about what should be aimed at today, what is practicable  and feasible,what is to be discarded and abandoned  and what is to be embraced. Otherwise, a recurring and punishing nightmare will ensue.
           Coming to mundane level  let us suppose that we have invited someone known to us for a meal. What will  be our first thought? We will definitely try to entertain him with dishes that we know  he likes and not what we like.This is concrete lesson from yesterday.
            Rome was not  built  in a day is an old adage  that comes to mind. All the great and endowed minds   whether they are philosophers or academicians or scientists or even  seers and  sages   have not attained theit  heights  simply by slogging in the present. Lot of preparaton of yester years has gone into their making. Contribution  of  yesterday to their activities is thus considerable. A studious student will work on  where he left unfinished  yesterday. A finished work of yesterday will be a springboard for further activities and achievements in the years to come.A wise man will  never lose sight  of his achievements as well as his failures It is only  an uninformed and petulant brain that fails to see this phenomenon.Even though I will not call it a perversity, it is at the same time  a lack of perspicacity  and sagacity. This is the saga behind all human failures.
            My thesis, therefore, is  that YESTERDAY should be accorded  the  same,  if not better,  status which TODAY  has got.
      Hail yesterday, hail!!