Colours We Adorn
I have always been fascinated by human behaviour. While it may require a scientific study to ascertain why a person behaves the way he does, there is nothing to prevent us from undertaking a study at the grass root and mundane level. I will not abide by the conventional categorisation of people.That I will leave to psychologists and psychoanalysts. I will go out of that format and try to analyse people as I have observed them.Let me warn that this approach has limitations and may be controversial. Not that I am anxious to get into any such unenviable situations. I admit that there can be hazards but life will not be exciting unless there are challenges. Now I will attempt to enumerate some broad headings which cannot be exhaustive but may be exhausting!! These are as follows;-
1.Smooth talker
Smooth talkers occupy a predominant position in the lives of men and nations. To name a few, ambassadors and diplomats come under this category. It is not, however,confined to them.They do not hold any monopoly over it.
I will go back to my college days.It was the year 1951 when I was in the senior Intermediate class.As is the wont with teenagers I also had my own share of prejudices and predilections. I was diffident and vacillating. I had a vacuous expression. It was at this juncture that I was introduced to Dale Carnegie's book 'How to stop worrying and start living'. One thing led to another. I chanced upon another Dale Carnegie classic 'How to win friends and influence people'.This book acted as a catalyst in my life. From a shy timid teenager, I overnight blossomed into a self confident and persuasive adult.I shed all misgivings and inhibitions.I wanted to practise some of the formulas explained by the author. I started spreading my charm all around.The next logical step was to concretising my strategy. Then I struck! My first victim was a hotel keeper. Except for an occasional travelling talkies, there was no scope for entertainment in my hamlet. Only the district town situated about thirty kilometres away had a few cinema halls. Once my friends and I decided to go there for watching a late night movie.Those were the days when bus service was in a rudimentary stage.Nerve-racking and bone-breaking ramshackle buses used to ply on decrepit roads. The preferred mode of transport was therefore generally walking. My friends and I walked to the nearest railway station located five kilometres away from my village. After viewing the movie , when we came out of the hall, it was the unearthly hour of 2.00 am. No trains, no buses. Walking at midnight through dense tree laden and flooded fields was no option. Beside, it would have been a risky venture.It was then that we decided to spend the night in a cheap hotel.Money was hard to come by those days and together we could not afford more than one room. We were four and only two occupants were allowed in each of these small dingy bug and mosquito ridden apology of rooms.It was then that I directed my charm on the hapless hotel keeper.I took him aside and harangued him. I do not recall what transpired between us. However the miracle happened. All the four of us were allowed to spend the remaining part of the night in one room on condition that at the crack of dawn we should make ourselves scarce.This episode brought me laurels . Overnight I became a hero among my friends. They could not decipher how I cracked the nut of an obstinate hotel boss . They believed in my invincibility and ability to influence men and events. I indulged in some more experiments in the heady days of my youth. However to put the record straight I am no crook and I have not duped anybody.. In my work place and else where I have encountered past masters of this art who could simply gobble me up. Here I would like to salute my wife.In reverse gear, she practised this art on me when I was totally bewitched by her.
On the positive side, if viewed properly, this is a noble pastime with all the trappings of divinity. This has helped me to understand myself and others better. This knowledge has benefitted afflicted and striken people to alleviate and sometimes even overcome their maladies. I am still a practitioner of this art but instead of targetting fellowmen I have now directed it towards the God Almghty whose grace I require in abundance in the evening of my life.
2. Self adulators
Self adulation is a trait which we observe in people who lack confidence. I am slightly twisting a common saying to mean that a worker is known by his work. If he is an intelligent and efficient worker, no form of tom- toming or advertisement is required to bring him into the lime light. Only people, who are deficient in qualities of head and heart and which fact is reflected in their performance, resort to outpourings of self praise.They will appropriate, rather misappropriate, achievements of others and project them as their own. As the saying goes one cannot fool all the people all the time. The day of reckoning will come and the hollowness of their claim will be exposed.
3.People with wicked disposition
They act overtly or covertly. People who adopt stealth and deciet in their dealings come under this category. Those who act overtly or under public gaze may be less dangerous than those who operate covertly. It will require a discerning eye to size them up. We come to know about their intentions only when we suffer at their hands. Such persons , irrespective of their gender ,have demonic or satanic propensity. We should be wary of such people and avoid befriending them. Such persons can appropriately be compared to poisonous cobra whose mere hiss will be blood curdling what to speak of their fatal sting.Once we are trapped in their stranglehold, it will be difficult to extricate ourselves from their vicious grip without any harm or damage.They display iniquitous tendencies and are seldom amenable to correction.
While writing this piece, I felt that evil was creeping on me.In utter fright, therefore, I stop further delineation on the subject.
Boasters hardly require any elaboration. We come across such people in daily life. These pompous species are not of any use to the society or their fellow beings. You may conclude that they are inveterate liars and can safely be written off as not of any consequence.
5. Bores
Such people are a great nuisance. The general tendency is to avoid such persons.They think that it is their fundamental right to impose themselves upon others and inflict on their unsuspecting victims with meaningless rattle and prattle.Those who are regular train travellers might have come across such people. They will warm up and catch your attention at an unguarded moment. You can escape them only when you reach you destination . Make sure that they are not following you.
6. Hypocrites
Classic example of this category are some members of the political class.They mesmerise people by the sheer weight of their logic and rehetoric.They are high on promise and low on practise.All this they perform with such a finnesse that the incredulous keep gaping in disbelief .
7. Pretenders
Pretenders can be equated with impostors. Even impersonators may come under this category.
8. Pedigree hunters
After the abolition of royalty and privy purses, such people can now be seen tagged on to industrialists and politicians. They may not all be perverse but can adopt ingenious methods to achieve their goal.
9. Gentle, kind etc.
People coming under this definition can broadly be classified as 'gentle,kind,considerate,loving and affectionate'. In one word, can we call them gentlemen in the true sense of the word?In brief they are the good samaritans of society, the torch bearers of our civilisation and representing all that is great and noble. How do we explain such people? Are they endowed with all these qualities since birth or acquired them in the course of their life's journey? Some might have got transformed or reformed due to some cataclysmic episode in the torrid waters of their life.
Even though it is said that all men are born equal, I cannot buy this thesis. I will say that it is fallacious and does not satisfy the touchstone of reality. There is a popular belief that circumstances and environment alone make the man. It may be partially true but cannot be the whole truth. Men and women born of the same parents, brought up in the same environment and attended same or comparable educational institutions exhibit different personality traits.How can this phenomenon be explained? In several people goodness is an inborn and inherent quality which gets nurtured and cemented in the course of time. Irrespective of the circumstances , they continue to represent all that is good and noble.Some may not have been born with these gifts. But it is not a hopeless situation. There is something that is called 'Purusharth' in Sanskrit.Our scriptures say that we can change our destiny.Sincere, dedicated and unflinging effort is the hallmark of such persons. It should not be half hearted . There is no halfway house to attain glory. One has to go the whole hog to attain it.History is replete with instances where the ordinary folk have changed their destiny and come to assume the mantle of glory and greatness.
In the end ,I may stress that it may not be possible or justfied to compartmentalise people. The embodied beings possess some or all of the these qualities in some measure.
A masterpiece!!
ReplyDeleteJijaji,you can write so well.
Can I make a suggestion?
A shorter blog post between 400-450 words is just ideal,but,it is author's prerogative